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Vilia is a 35mm film viewfinder camera made by BelOMO and produced between 1973-86 with quantity. A further developments of the Vilia, using the same body and lens, were the Vilia-Auto, this time equipped with automatic exposure setting based on a selenium meter, as well as Orion EE and Siluet Elektro with a CdS
20 Oct 2007 The Vilia Auto was intended to set shutter speed based on the light meter reading, but I think the selenium light meter on most of them is dead. There's no way to controll the shutter speed manually, but I've heard that when the light meter is not working the default shutter speed is 1/50. From my experience
The Vilia was produced at the MMZ BelOMO factory of Minsk, Belarussia (formerly of the USSR). Founded in 1957, the Belarussian Optical and Mechanical Association commanded a leading position in the optical industry of the former USSR, alongside their equally distinguished partners in St. Petersburg - the Leningrad
The Vilia operates with all varieties of 35mm film. Color negative, slide, and black & white will all yield fabulous results. Development can be done at any 35mm film processor (lab, supermarket, drug store, etc). MANUAL DIAGRAMS. BelOMO Vilia Parts. 1. Shutter Lever. 2. Hot Shoe. 3. Coated Viewfinder. 4. Rewind Crank.
7 Aug 2016 The manufacturers claimed a sort of "Auto " function for the camera . On the shutter speed ring, beneath the lens, there is a scale of GOST film speeds, roughly equivalent to ASA. According to the instructions, you rotate this scale to select the speed of the film you're using, thus selecting a shutter speed at
1 Feb 2015 The Vilia is yet another fully manual shooter from the later years of the soviet union from MMZ-BelOMO in Belarus. Unlike its obvious soviet rivals the camera BelOMO Vilia Camera BelOMO Vilia. as not that common in the west. The Vilia auto adds a selenium ring for metering (as ever check it's working)
The BelOMO Vilia The Vilia (Viliya) was made in USSR from 1973 until 1986 at the BelOMO factory in Minsk, Belarus. BelOMO is Belarussian Optical and Mechanical Association, one of the . The Auto had a light meter (selenium cell, I think), but I am guessing the camera might not work manually if the light meter is bad.
(MMZ stands for Minskiy Mechanicheskiy Zavod, or the Minsk Mechanical Plant, and it's not hard to see what the 'Bel' in BelOMO stands for. OMO stands for Optical and Mechanical Association.) I have my doubts about the given production span, because my Vilia has serial number 9349046, which seems to indicate it was
BelOMO Vilia. From Minsk to London to You Presented by Lomographic Society International MAIN FEATURES Triplet 69-3 40mm F/4 Lens An excellent high-contrast glass lens, designed by the precision optical department of the MMZ-BelOMO factory. It yields exceptionally sharp images and